The more the company uses modern high technologies in manufacturing the more the production control system evolves and there’s no doubt it’s a  good quality system since it allows a quick and exact identification and an easy traceability of the products. It involves a process that allows to:

  • numbering and encoding the product
  • finding the product wherever it may be inside the facility (goods in entrance and inventory, warehouse, industrial plant, testing laboratories, final check)
  • recognizing in what stage of production the goods are and checking the product wherever it may be inside the facility (checked, not checked yet, processing, non-compliance product, waste product, reprocessing product).

Even after a long time the traceability system can still keep track of the product and of its own flew in supply chain, of the controls operated on it, of the results of controls, of the processing status of machines during the production, of the time frame during which it has been produced, of the employees involved in the different phases of manufacturing.